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In this page we have also included the announcements of the Legal Support Group Os Dame, which evolved into an independent group named 'Antinomia Legal Collective '.

Os Dame (Group)

Os Dame
Area: Nicosia, Limassol
Active Period: 2021-present
Political Position: Anti-fascism, Ecology, Libertarian Ideas
Facebook: Link
Facebook (Archived): Link

Os Dame (lit. That's enough) is a political co-ordination group which was formed in February of 2021 from various groups that are mainly active in Nicosia in Limassol, with the aim of organizing a peaceful march demonstrating against authoritarianism, corruption, as well as against the management of the covid-19 pandemic by the Republic of Cyprus, in parallel with another intersecting issues. The march took place o the 13th of February, 2021, gaining further open support from multiple cultural and political groups and collectivities. The police repressed the march using extreme, intense and unprecedented violence.1)

After the repression of the first march by the police, another march was called at the same place and at the same time for the 20th of February, in which around 10,000 people participated.2) The third protest took place on the 27th of March, with the participation of around 2,000 people.3) Os Dame also took part in the bi-communal march that took place on the 24th of April, 2021.4)

Group Identity

For almost a year, we've been living a pandemic management which disproportionately harms the lower classes and the workers. At the same time, a web of interests including politicians, developers and money laundering resurfaces, revealing a corruption deeply rooted in the Greek Cypriot political system, which is trying to hide itself behind oppressive and separatist policies.

Who are we? We are workers, unemployed, students, artists, athletes and sports fans.


  1. Investments for public health and education, not the police and military equipment.
  2. Protecting the vulnerable groups instead of authoritarian measures against the whole population.
  3. Immediate support of workers and the unemployed, locals, migrants, asylum seekers who are affected by the pandemic.
  4. An end to the war against culture and amateur sports.
  5. An end to the ban of demonstrations.

Online Articles




Other Material

en/groups/osdame.1639490520.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/14 14:02 by no_name12