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en:leaflets:iww:mayday2024 [2025/03/06 05:27] (current)
no_name12 created
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== 123 Years Labour May Day (Leaflet) ======
 +===== Historical Note=====
 +This leaflet was published by [[en:groups:iww|IWW Cyprus]] in Nicosia in May 2024.
 +<WRAP right noprint round download 30%>
 +  * **This Leaflet is Trilingual (Greek, Turkish, English).**
 +  * [[|Scanned PDF from (to be preferred)]]
 +  * {{wiki:media:leaflets:iww:iww_mayday2024_lowq.pdf
 + |Compressed PDF from our server (mirror)}}
 +  * For archived material of type (PDF, ODF), and for the creation of collections of texts (book creator), use the corresponding choices provided on the right of the page of each article.
 +<WRAP left round todo 50%>
 +  * The content of this leaflet has not been typed.
 +{{tag> "Leaflets" 
 +Groups:"IWW Cyprus (Group)" 
 +"Decade:Decade 2020-2029" 
 +Areas:Nicosia:"Nicosia (south)" 
en/leaflets/iww/mayday2024.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/06 05:27 by no_name12