====== Anti-Authoritarian Autonomous Action - ADA (Group) ====== ^ **Anti-Authoritarian Autonomous Action (ADA) ** ^^ | {{ wiki:symbols:aftonomidrasi.jpg?100 |}} || | Area: |Nicosia (south)| | Active Period: | 2008-2009| | Political Position: | Anarchism| | Website: | [[http://adakiprus.blogspot.com.cy/|Link (Greek)]], [[http://adaenglish.blogspot.co.uk/|Link (English)]]| | Archived Website: | [[http://web.archive.org/web/20160705025905/http://adakiprus.blogspot.com.cy|Link (Greek)]], [[http://web.archive.org/web/20161003022732/http://adaenglish.blogspot.com/|Link (English)]]| The //Anti-Authoritarian Autonomous Action - ADA// ([[el:groups:aftonomidrasi|Αυτόνομη Δράση Αντιεξουσιαστών - ΑΔΑ]]) was an anarchist group active in Nicosia from March 2008 until 2009. ===== Group Identity=====
Within the system of exploitation and oppression, the need for direct action and organisation emerges. The need for direct action and critical thinking appears in relation to the modern culture that promotes and perpetuates the exploitation of humman on human, dehumanization, isolation, economic inequality, alienation, apathy and spectacular confusion brought the need for a political group. Within the political strand, the APA mainly revolves around the thought of social anarchism, operating in an anti-hierarchical and non-democratic way. Part of the wider libertarian movement and continuators of anarchist and libertarian thought, the necessity of organizing through political groups appears to us. Political organizations are the ground for developing critique against the dominant ideology and hegemony. It is the ground for direct resistance to capital and the state and support and perpetuation of local and international social struggles. [...] We are part of society and not its leaders and we do not possess the truth, the truth is possessed only by the religious and the stupid. The social revolution is the affair of society and society alone, we simply feel the need to accelerate it. Society is a boiling cauldron ready to overflow, and when it does, we must be ready to move on to full social transformation, to a society that operates at the level of autonomy, self-organisation, solidarity and economic equality.((Anti-Authoritarian Autonomous Action (ADA) thinking about the need for action, [[http://adakiprus.blogspot.com/2008/05/critical-mass.html|ADA website]]))
===== Leaflets===== * [[en:leaflets:aftonomidrasi:aftonomidrasi_dentra|(??/08) (Untitled) - Regarding the cutting down of trees in Nicosia and the Rehabilitation of Eleftheria Square]] * [[en:leaflets:aftonomidrasi:aftonomidrasi_denmasanikitipota|(??/08) We Own Nothing, We Claim Everything!]] * [[en:leaflets:aftonomidrasi:aftonomidrasi_anakinosialexis1|(12/08) (1st Declaration) State Terrorism Kills]] * [[en:leaflets:aftonomidrasi:aftonomidrasi_anakinosialexis2|(12/08) 2nd Declaration of ADA Regarding the Events in Relation to the Insurrection in Greeece]] * [[en:leaflets:aftonomidrasi:aftonomidrasi_gaza|(01/09) About Israeli War on Gaza]] * [[en:leaflets:aftonomidrasi:aftonomidrasi_mcdonalds|(05/09) (Untitled) Text for the Anti-capitalist Intervention at the Ledras McDonalds]] ===== Brochures===== * [[en:brochures:aftonomidrasi:aftonomidrasi_siopitiskinonias|(??/09) The Silence of this Society, Arms the Hands of the Police]] {{tag> Condition:"Needs Translation":"Needs Turkish Translation" "Groups" "Decade:Decade 2000-2009" Areas:Nicosia:"Nicosia (south)" Areas:Nicosia "Ideological Positions":"Anarchism"}}