This online article was published in February of 2021 by the co-ordination group Os Dame (That's enough), on the facebook event calling for a protest march.
That's enough! March on Saturday, 13/02
Call to action:
On Saturday 13/2 we are going out to the streets to demonstrate!
ENOUGH with state authoritarianism and censoring opposing views. ENOUGH with the failed management of the pandemic. ENOUGH with corruption.
For almost a year, we've been living a pandemic management which disproportionately harms the lower classes and the workers. At the same time, a web of interests including politicians, developers and money laundering resurfaces, revealing a corruption deeply rooted in the Greek Cypriot political system, which is trying to hide itself behind oppressive and separatist policies. Who are we? We are workers, unemployed, students, artists, athletes and sports fans.
We will resist to the looting of social wealth and the environment. We will resist to authoritarianism and capitalist barbarity. We will carve paths even where they don't exist.
We are calling organisations, collectives and groups to co-sign and march with us. We will be wearing our masks and keep our distance.