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On the recent negative developments in the Gaza Strip (Online Article)

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This online article was published on the group 1917 website on 18/10/23. It was written by group 1917, New Internationalist Left and DiEM25 Cyprus, as well as by unaffiliated individuals.


On the recent negative developments in the Gaza Strip

Announcement of the organizations and individuals participating in the processes for an anti-capitalist front.

We are watching with regret the new resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza. As anti-capitalists we recognize that for a just solution to the Palestinian question, it is necessary for the working masses in Israel, Palestine and the wider Middle East to organize and act together. We also recognise that the recent dramatic developments have made the required workers' solidarity in the region even more difficult. Despite the difficulties, however, we believe that both the criminal attack by the Islamic organisation Hamas on civilians and the increasingly reactionary, oppressive and ultimately murderous policies of the state of Israel require a leftist, anti-capitalist response.

As organisations and individuals involved in the processes for an anti-capitalist front:

1) We condemn unequivocally the terrorist attack of the Islamic organization Hamas with the murders, kidnappings and rapes of civilians. Such attacks are unjustified and do not help the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.

2) We unequivocally condemn the increasingly reactionary and oppressive policies of the Netanyahu government towards the Palestinians. In particular, we condemn the settlement in the West Bank, the long-standing blockade of Gaza, and the repeated Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians. While Hamas' actions are not justified, we believe that Israel's policy towards Palestinians encourages such nihilistic actions, and therefore must be changed radically.

3) We condemn the imposition of collective punishment on the Palestinian people by the Israeli government in response to the Hamas attack. We oppose the planned Israeli operation in Gaza and call for the immediate restoration of Israel's supply of water, electricity, fuel and food to the people of Gaza, so as to avoid an even greater humanitarian catastrophe than we have seen so far.

4) We demand that the Cypriot state condemn not only Hamas but also Israel's policies, and we call on it to provide humanitarian support to the region.

5) We demand from the Cypriot state to stop all cooperation and alliance with Israel.

6) We consider inalienable the right of all nations to self-determination, both for Arabs and Jews in the region. By extension, we emphasize that the Palestinian issue cannot be resolved in terms of a military conflict. Neither can the Palestinians be expelled from the region as the most reactionary elements of the Israeli government seek, nor can the State of Israel be destroyed as Hamas dreams of.

7) We firmly believe that the Palestinian issue can only be resolved justly and viably in terms of internationalist cooperation and class conflict. In practice, this means the development of bicommunal organisations, fronts and struggles that oppose the ruling classes and governments of the two nationalities and promote full labour and state rights for all workers in the region.

😎 Our task as Cypriot leftists is to build a workers' anti-capitalist movement that will support the workers in Palestine and Israel and contribute to the resolution of the various ethnic conflicts in the region through the overthrow of the capitalism that creates them and the building of socialism that will eliminate them. To this end, we call upon all progressive-minded individuals and forces of the Cypriot left to work together to build such a movement.

DiEM25 Cyprus

1917 Cyprus

New Internationalist Left - NEDA

Unaffiliated fighters

en/digital/multiple/gaza_cy.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/03 07:55 by no_name12