This translation was created for the purposes of archiving and does not originate from the original creators of the text.
All the nationalist, liberal newspapers ignored it… that is, all of them
On 26/4/92 the Turkish Cypriot CANBULAT MEHMET, 22 years old, came to Limassol to live and find a job, in search of a better life.
On 27/4/92 CANBULAT visited the Limassol Police Station to declare his entry into our areas and his intention to move here. He was immediately taken into custody and locked in a cell, left without food until the next morning. The following day, after being subjected to questions by members of the Secret Police about the reasons for his visit, accompanied by shouting, swearing and threats, he was savagely beaten with slaps to the face and neck and punches to his back and the back of his head. When Canbulat burst into tears, they continued to beat him and call him a homosexual for “crying like a woman”.
Committee on the rights of Turkish Cypriots