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Press Release - Os Dame - All The Way! (Online Article)

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This press release was published on 20/02/21 by the co-ordination group Os Dame (That's enough) on Facebook, after the second march 'Os Dame' (That's Enough!), that was held in Nicosia.


Press Release - Os Dame - All The Way!

We sincerely thank about 10.000 activists who participated in the great march against corruption and the authoritarianism of state mechanism. We salute all organized groups and citizens who accompanied us against the political framework of the event, against corruption, against the management of the pandemic with pressure measures, not police and military equipment, but respecting the slogans for strengthening public health and public education.

Thank you to our Turkish Cypriot citizens who supported us with various messages during the week and to the demonstrators who expressed their intense desire for the reunion of Cyprus with many Turkish written banners.

The magnificent walk in Lefkoşa Os Dame to Anastasiadis government that lost all legitimacy and should resign! When we yelled it showed exactly what we meant. He also responded to the Police who tried to scare people with alleged information that certain groups would create a scene. Organizers and 10.000 participants continued the peaceful nature of the march, expelled Police from the widely opened streets to express social anger.

Anger, taking a clear political form, threw the decision that banned meetings and already unconstitutional in the trash can and shouted that their abundance days are really numbered!

Os Dame! Coordination committee




en/digital/osdame/osdame_nofear.1613996085.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/22 12:14 by no_name12