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stasis (Group)

Area: Undefined Location
Active Period: 2016-2017
Political Position: Socialism
Archived Website: Link
Facebook: Link

The stasis group was a socialist online group active in 2016-2017.

Group Identity

The stasis group has a geographical base in Cyprus, a methodological orientation towards Marxism-Leninism and historical materialism, and a fundamental aim to contribute to the struggle for socialism. […] The stasis group has as its basic value proletarian internationalism. This means: it supports the class struggles of the workers, peasants and poor strata in every country and the political parties and trade union organisations that contribute to them; it also supports the anti-imperialist struggles of the oppressed and exploited peoples against the US-led imperialist system and the parties, states and organisations that contribute to them. Finally, it considers migrant workers on both sides of Cyprus an integral part of the Cypriot working class and potentially crucial allies in the struggle for emancipation from the shackles of imperialist capitalism. […] The stasis group sees Cypriot society for what it is, i.e. as a class society, where the class struggle is manifested in the particular and defined context called the 'Cyprus question', shaping the way it is ideologically conceived, and in turn shaped by the determinations it imposes. The stasis group has consequently taken as a principled position that the coordinated and united struggle of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot working class and its allied strata is a basic precondition both for the resolution (through the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist relations of production) of the so-called capitalist crisis as a threat to the very survival of the workers, of the so-called capitalist crisis to the very survival of the working-class, unemployed and poor strata, as well as for the resolution, on the basis of workers' and people's interests, of the so-called Cyprus question.1)



en/groups/stasis.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/27 11:58 by no_name12