  • The publication month and year of this leaflet are missing.

This translation located in the document appears to originate from the original authors of the text. It appears unfinished, and it is not clear if it is a draft or not, and whether it officially circulated.

The translation below was created for the purposes of archiving and does not originate from the original creator of the text.

In Relation to the Annan Plan / The View of the Cypriot Anarchist Kernel (Leaflet)

Historical Note

This leaflet was published in the 2000s by the Cypriot Anarchist Kernel in Nicosia.


In Relation to the Annan Plan / The View of the Cypriot Anarchist Kernel

We are spectators to the same play once again. The solution, negotiations, the prospect of a Cyprus Problem resolution and finally the collapse. For most people who live close to the events, there is no surprise. They are now so tired of the levelling of everything in Cyprus due to its political problem that everyone feels powerless to react outside the sphere of their own self-interest.

The new fruit this time was called the “Annan plan” taken from the name of the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, the authoritarian puppet of the globalized murderers. There is no longer the slightest doubt about where the text of the plan which was given to the leaders of the two states in Cyprus, “pseudo” or not, has been drafted.

Starting from our own view that any project originating in authority-state perspectives does not aim, of course, for the liberating potentiality of society, but for the preservation of the institutions of power with ever greater control and repression, with the ultimate aim of the complete subordination of the whole of society to the dictates of the state and capital, we should not even enter into dilemmas of acceptance or rejection of the plan.

With the above statement we would not like to imply that anarchists are also aligned with the nationalist(!) hysteria of recent times when people, until recently indifferent to everything that happens around them (from the suffocating policing in the streets to the ongoing massacres in Palestine) suddenly transformed into fanatical supporters of “human rights” and “international law” demanding respect for human values such as freedom, respect and solidarity.

Misery, selfishness and hypocrisy from individuals who don't even know that millions of people have died from the war and the embargo in Iraq, that human bodies were and are being mutilated in wars of power that are still going on, how many people die every day from hunger, diseases, inhuman working conditions……… The creation of even white room torture prison cells in their fucking Greece is a “detail” that is not even worth complaining about. Celebrate and praise the political ridiculousness of Cyprus and Greece for joining the “European Union” and when you have woken up and see that the real problems are still here then maybe you will realize that freedom is a word that is easy to pronounce but very difficult to conquer.

As for the notorious “Annan plan”, we as anarchists without having clairvoyant qualities know very well that whatever plan is signed will be imposed from above based on the interests of the so-called new world order and the local bosses. The argument that the people will decide through a referendum is the same as saying that through elections we decide our lives and our future, forgetting the power of the manipulative mechanisms of state and power where the construction of consciences has now become a science. A journalist recently in a political programme on the Cyprus issue pointed out to his guests that 'we have to be careful what we say as we create public opinion'! Another typical example of propaganda by the media of mass deception was the first day of the debate of the new plan by the National Council of Cyprus where a TV channel that disagrees with the plan spoke of a “dynamic” protest outside the presidential building, apparently referring to the five or six people standing on the edge of the pavement holding their placards!!!

The prospect of the two communities living and fighting together was naturally worrying and infuriating for the national fascists on both sides, who are trying by every means to regroup their lost forces, first of all by doing the obvious. They are targeting people's subconscious, trying to awaken selective memories of massacres, expulsions and unrest, creating a climate of fear at the prospect of any 'solution' to the Cyprus problem. And this is not so difficult when one considers how consciences are formed through the educational system, where the teaching of hatred and the mythologizing of abstract concepts such as nation and racial superiority has not ceased to exist.

In this period, solution or no solution, it is the duty of each and every one of us to fight in every way and by every means against nationalism in any of its forms and to develop stronger bonds of solidarity with strugglers on the “other” side.

What difference can it make whether the judge who tries me or the cop who follows me, who beats me, who arrests me says in his identity card Greek Cypriot or Turkish Cypriot? What difference can it make if the boss who exploits me in the forced eight hours of boredom while he enjoys more and more profits is called Vasilis or Hassan? The anarchists will never stop saying it: “NATIONAL UNITY IS A TRAP, OPPRESSION HAS NO COUNTRY.”

To deal in detail with the Annan plan means that we are now entering into authoritarian logics, because it is at least contradictory to struggle, with all the consequences that this implies, towards a true possibility of social liberation and to be trapped in dilemmas of co-presidency or not!!! This is ridiculousness for anyone who knows that whoever is at the top of the construct called the state knows his job very well, and if not others make sure to teach him very quickly. Yes, the Annan plan may be racist, unjust, problematic, but anyone who cannot see that our modern “democracies” are exactly the same thing is willingly staying blind to the facts. On this particular issue anyone who is interested in knowing why, they can ask the Filipinos, Sri Lankans and every impoverished immigrant working on the island, and they might just be able to find out.

The petty bourgeois logic of despising that the word settler can mean, a monstrosity in most people's minds, not that they are human beings and certainly worse off than us, it seems the least bit funny compared to the other “legal” colonization that is taking place in droves in the “free” part of the island by Englishmen, Russians and anyone who can afford to buy the “dream” that translates into a mansion in Paphos or Limassol.

But hasn't the ideology of nationalism, the separation of people on the basis of colour, language and race always been the means and one of the causes of the perpetuation of authoritarian institutions and the disorientation of society from its real problems?

Really how can we interpret the fact that we had no reaction either from the state or from the “super patriots” to the fact that the British bases are not only not mentioned anywhere in the “plan” but also by agreement between Cyprus and the European Union remain sovereign and free to continue their “social work”?

That is, we have on the one hand the bases that have been proven to murder, extort, and destroy, and no one protests beyond symbolic and knee-jerk actions and we are out to throw into the sea some of our fellow human beings, who are where they are victims of a specific change that has essentially to do with authoritarian planning (demographic change). What else but hypocrisy and the search for “easy solutions” can this tactic be called?

We have pointed out above that whether or not what they call the Cyprus problem is “solved” will depend on the geopolitical and strategic interests of the world bosses where control in the Middle East, an imminent attack on Iraq as well as control of various energy sources seem to determine the “fate” of the people who live in the geographical area of Cyprus.

But while these facts exist, the priorities of the island's political power seem to be different, no matter how much they try to convince us otherwise. What they are trying to conceal so strongly and so artfully, and this will probably become more apparent after the Copenhagen “excitement”, is the “fear” on the part of the opposition that in a possible “solution” to the Cyprus problem the February presidential elections will be postponed and thus they will lose a sure, as things look at least so far, victory and the conquest of the presidential chair. On the other hand -and this also explains the positive attitude of the otherwise 'conservative' right-wing and the Clerides government to the Annan plan- is the government 'entourage', which is trying to 'grab' the opportunity to stay in power for another three years, since this is provided for in the plan, that is why any concessions would be for them a compensation for this unexpected “gift” in conditions of such low popularity where social explosions follow one another, with the main one being the agricultural problem that has started to take “dangerous” dimensions for the state.

This reality, which proves for the umpteenth time the wretchedness and the real aims of all those who constantly play with our lives and fates, should finally awaken the consciences of all of us, giving them the answers they deserve every day. And these are neither “protest” votes, nor symbolic demonstrations that merely reinforce the statist propaganda of “freedom of speech”, but a real and unrestrained struggle where real forms of freedom and life will emerge.

As for how we see a real solution to the Cyprus problem, we will borrow an excerpt from a pamphlet published in 1985 by Cypriot anarchists called "CYPRUS: THE NATIONAL ISSUE AND THE ANARCHISTS" (which can be sent to anyone who requests it) where the following is noted: “Of course, there will be criticisms of the style “so you don't have anything to suggest?”. Not exactly. We simply refuse to give “solutions” in the style of a magic formula. We have to get over the logic and complexes of leftism at some point and especially the complex that we are the enlightened vanguard that has ready answers for all problems……The time for grand and beautiful answers is over. The only way we can begin to propose something alternative is through radical action…..”



en/leaflets/anarxikospirinas/anarxikospirinas_anan.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/06 12:04 by no_name12