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Kıbrıs Sosyal Hareket Arşivi

A collaborative attempt in recording and digitizing our radical tradition.

Catalogues: Gruplar Dergiler El ilanları Broşürler

Arşivlenen Materyaller:

(Untitled) Regarding the "Broom Operation" (Leaflet)
5 positions on the reunification process or For the right to live in Cyprus without the Cyprus problem (Leaflet)
against the onslaught of (greek)cypriot fascism (Leaflet)
Announcement from the Medical Team of "Os Dame" (Brochure)
Announcement of the Occupy Buffer Zone Movement (Leaflet)
Beyond Corporate Pride and Mainstream LGBT politics: Queering our Struggles (Leaflet)
Cheap Bodies/Foreign Bodies: 3 Days Dedicated to the Construction of the Migrant Crisis, its Management and our Solidarity (Leaflet)
Cheap Bodies/Foreign Bodies: The Government Strategy on Immigration (Brochure)
Cypriot and Foreign Workers United (Solidarity Marchers) (Leaflet)
Domestic Workers In Cyprus - Introductory Statement/Εισήγηση (Brochure)
Ecology and the Semblance of an Illusion (Leaflet)
Entos ton Teihon (Magazine)
Falies OFFLINE (Magazine)
For a Humanitarian City! (Brochure)
For Political Action and Social Solidarity (Brochure)
For the death of Khalid Mahmood (Leaflet)
From Fortress-Europe to Menogeia (Brochure)
Greetings from the Buffer Zone (Leaflet of Anarchist Group) (Leaflet)
Hade (Magazine)
Hands off Migrants - Stop Police Violence - Stop Racism Now! (Leaflets)
Imia, EEZ, and Enosis: Cyprus in the Context of Greco-Turkish Antagonism (Brochure)
Intervention at Christmas Tree (Untitled) (Video)
Let's End Nationalism (Leaflet)
Life and consumption, mutually exclusive? (Brochure)
Minimal Contribution for Communicating to the Turkish Cypriot Revolutionary Internationalists the Hypocrisy of The 'Rapprochement' Elite of the Greek Cypriot State Intellectuals and Social Patriots (Antiauthoritarians-Internationalists) (Leaflet)
Nationalism, Natural Gas, the Bi-communal struggles: Positions for the Federation (Brochure)
No Human is Illegal! (Leaflet)
No Tolerance to Nationalists - Neo-Nazis (Leaflet)
No War but Class War (Brochure)
Occupy Buffer Zone's Response to UNFICYP's Letter (Leaflet)
Oh Yes! Federation! (greek cypriot version) (Brochure)
Oh Yes! Federation! (greek version) (Brochure)
Our Cultural Centre (Leaflet)
Our Position on the Cyprus Question and Its Resolution (Brochure)
Parades of Discrimination (Leaflet)
Poster of Concert at Eksedra Live Bar (Poster)
Press Release Occupy Buffer Zone (OBZ) (Leaflet)
Producing localities: Cultural Endeavours, towards a Cypriot paradigm (Leaflet)
Queer Street Party (Unsigned) (Leaflet)
Refugees Welcome: 4 Days of Antifascism Against Fortress Europe (Leaflet)
Resistance Against the Plans of the Dominators (Leaflet)
Text in Relation to an Article of the Newspaper Politis (Untitled) (Leaflet)
That's enough! March 13.02, Kolokasi Park, Nicosia (Video)
That's enough! March 20.02, Kolokasi Park, Nicosia (Video)
The 15th of October Movement: Occupy Buffer Zone (Leaflet)
the City's Dead (Unsigned) (Leaflet)
The Hooligans, the Stingies, the Starved People and the Bad Asses (Leaflet)
The murders are neither an isolated incident nor just the actions of a psychopath serial killer (Leaflet)
The position of the Cypriot Workers' Democracy Group (Ergatiki Dimokratia) about Cyprus Indymedia (Leaflet)
The program of Pavlos Modinos (Trotskyist Party of Cyprus), candidate in the municipal elections of 1949 in Limassol (from the newspaper ‘Worker’ [Εργάτης], 14/05/49) (Leaflet)
The Worker (Newspaper)
Their Days of Plenty are Numbered (Leaflet)
Those who Killed Doros also Killed Others (Leaflet)
Two years after the victims were found: Text by feminist group about the handling of the femicide cases by the state and the police (Leaflet)
United Nations Peacekeeping Forced in Cyprus' (UNFICYP) Letter (Leaflet)
Vol. 1 (Poetry-Photography Compilation) (Brochure)
Α τύπος (Leaflet)
Ποιοί Είμαστε | Who We Are (Leaflet)

How can you help?

  • Παρέχοντας πρόσβαση σε προσωπικά ή άλλα αρχεία που περιέχουν περιοδικά, μπροσούρες, φυλλάδια, αφίσες, γκράφιτι, φωτογραφίες κλπ από δράσεις του ριζοσπαστικού κινήματος στην Κύπρο
  • Προσεκτικό σκανάρισμα εντύπων
  • Δακτυλογράφηση των άρθρων ή επιμέλεια του αποτελέσματος της αυτόματης Οπτικής Αναγνώρισης Χαρακτήρων (OCR)
  • Ανεύρεση των πρωτότυπων ηλεκτρονικών αρχείων των εντύπων (PDF, doc/docx/odt/rtf/html documents, αρχεία προγραμμάτων σελίδωσης κλπ) όπου αυτά διασώθηκαν
  • Κατηγοριοποίηση του υλικού και ανέβασμα του στο παρών site και στο
  • Ενημέρωση του Καταλόγου μας, ώστε ανα πάσα στιγμή να γνωρίζουμε τι υλικό δεν ανακτήσαμε ακόμα, και ποιες εργασίες εκκρεμούν
  • Συγγραφή σύντομων ιστορικών σημειωμάτων που να συνοδεύουν κάθε έντυπο, ή και κάθε τεύχος
  • Επαφή με τις/τους αρχικές/ους συγγραφείς ώστε να τους ζητηθεί η απελευθέρωση των κειμένων τους στα Πολιτιστικά Κοινά, κάτω από μια άδεια ελεύθερου περιεχομένου.
  • Μετάφραση του υλικού σε άλλες γλώσσες (το site προσφέρει την δυνατότητα μετάφρασης κάθε σελίδας σε τρεις γλώσσες: Ελληνικά, Τουρκικά, Αγγλικά. Αν παρουσιαστεί η ανάγκη μπορούν να προστεθούν και άλλες γλώσσες)

Hareket Arşivi, ada çapında Kıbrıs radikal hareketinin tarihini; geçmiş on yıllara vurguyla, ama bununla sınırlı kalmadan, mevcut yayınlar üzerinden kayda alma girişimidir.

Bu malzemenin farklı dijital formatlarda herkesin erişimine elverişli olabilmesi niyetiyle, görme kısıtlılığından muzdarip kişilerin de gereksinimlerini de göz önünde bulunduruyoruz.

Arşivin zamana direnebilmesi, diğer bir deyişle basılı malzemenin fiziksel bozulması ile ileriki yazılımlarda okunamayacak, kısa ömürlü, dijital-olmayan arşivleme metodlarının ötesine geçilebilmesi elzemdir. Buna paralel olarak, arşive geridönülmez şekilde zarar verebilecek “tek hata”yı hedef alarak, herhangi bir kişinin arşivi kopyalayabilmesi kolaylaştırılacaktır.

Bu çaba kolektif olduğu ölçüde daha da anlam kazanır, bu nedenle websitesi katılımcı düzenlemeyi desteklemektedir–yani bir Viki sayfasıdır. Yapabileceğiniz herhangi katkıya müteşekkiriz, ayrıca yakında dijitalleştirme çalıştayları yapmayı ve Arşiv’in idaresi ile meşgul olacak bir açık kurul oluşturmayı hedefliyoruz.

tr/start.1593023326.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/14 16:06 (external edit)